

This stupid cashier at Burger King refused to give me my order simply because i didn't pay! What kind of customer service is this!? And when i asked to speak to the manager, she said that she was the manager and grabbed me by the neck and flung me out the window! Degeneracy at it's worst.



How are these girl scout THOTS gonna tell me that "every penny counts," but look at me funny when i pay for my eight dollar cookies in pennies? Disgusting.


Simple Factorial is the same as Simple * Simple-1 * Simple-2 * Simple-3 ; or in other words, a whole lot of simple. This template is meant to be really simple to use, and really simple to naviagate. It should also do well with search engines for that reason.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut dapibus elementum dui. Mauris feugiat cursus urna. Suspendisse non turpis at purus vulputate vehicula. Nullam sagittis imperdiet turpis. Nunc posuere ornare dui.

 ./ohmNMMMNNmhs:                                  :yNMMMMMMmhysyhy/   
NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNds:          omNd-             /NMMMMMMMd`           
NMMmho/:::NMMMMMMMMM+         NMMMs            -MMMMdsMMMMo           
 .`      .MMMMmNMMMM/         mMMMmyhdNMMNh-   /MMMMdhMMMMy           
          hMMMMMMMNo         `MMMMMMMMMMMMMo   `dMMMMMMMMh`           
           /shhyo/`           -sNMMMMMMMMm+      -/osso/.     i am the creeping creature of the nighttime        
                              -NMMd+`      .//-                       
                `+yddy+`  `  -:-.` ..`   /hMMMMNNNh+                  
            .NMMMN:  dMMMNooyo:-+syo:+yys/`     oNMN+                 
            `hMMh.    -:-                         `